Professional Photo Shoot

You never really take notice of it, but when celebrities are photographed at a restaurant or getting off a plane, do you ever wonder how they look so put together? I mean, when you’re going out to eat, you’ve somehow managed to remember to put pants on because The Olive Garden would discourage you from eating at their establishment without pants. Or when getting off a plane, having just flown seventeen hours overseas, you have drool marks in your shirt, your neck is all cramped up from trying to sleep, and you’re trying to carry your purse, your laptop, your pillow and wheel your luggage at the same time. The last thing you’d need is someone taking photos of you in this disheveled state.

But do you want to know the reason that the magazine pictures have them looking so put together and fashionable? It’s because it’s all been pre-arranged. The photographers are given certain guidelines and told which side to photograph on and what pose the celebrity will make and the best time to snap the shot. You don’t think about it but it’s basically a professional photo shoot, just done on location.

Have you ever considered having some shots done yourself by someone who isn’t holding the wind-it-up Kodaks from the 80’s? Or by someone who posts it on Facebook, always managing to tag you in photos that you would never dare to post yourself. Only your mom is allowed to do that with your 3rd grade school photos. Thanks Mom for thinking that I still look adorable.

No, maybe you’re looking for something for your loved one, a sexy photo shoot as a surprise for his birthday. A professional photographer can arrange something according to your wishes and have a nice tasteful session done. Nobody needs to post these shots to social media. Or why not consider a pregnancy photo shoot so you can commemorate the exciting news of your great expectations?

Yes, you can arrange to have your sexy photo shoots or your professional family photos (and don’t get those mixed up) by someone who knows the right lighting, the right timing, the right poses and clothes that will illuminate the side of you that you want to show off. This is your chance to dictate what photos you’ll allow and which you won’t. You can determine the mood, the location and the backdrop of your very own photo shoot. You basically get to be the celebrity for the day and you get to tell the paparazzi on which side you’ll allow them to shoot from and what angles they will get.

And besides all the glitterati treatment you’ll get, you also will have a great set of prints to show off to your friends and family. You’ll have some memories that you can keep with you and remind you of that one day when someone actually got the light right to catch that little dimple on your face no one else seems to catch. Your shots will be worthy of a front page spread on any magazine. Any except the tabloids, that is. #totallyworthit